Seafood science.

Kim, Se-Kwon

Seafood science. Advances in chemistry, technology and applications. - USA CRC Press 2014 - 597 páginas; fig, tablas, ilustraciones;

Introduction to Seafood Sciences.
-- Fermentation Method in Food and Derivatives.
-- Seafood Cooking Method in Nutritional Quality.
-- Fish Skin as Useful Additives.
-- Fish Protein Coating to Enhance the Shelf Life of Fishery Products.
-- Fish Protein Coating to Enhance the Shelf Life of Fishery Products.
-- Determinationing Technology in Fish Quality and Seafood.
-- Recovery of Fish Protein Using pH Shift Processing.
-- Cold Gelatin for Seafood Restructuration.
-- The Role of Transglutaminase Enzyme in Improving Gel Properties of the Fish Gel.
-- Effect on a Fish Quality and Preservation Technique of Degradation Products of Trimethylamine-N-oxide.
-- Dioxin in Fish. Chitosan: A Booming Bio-Based
Nanocomposite in Seafood Industry and Aquaculture.
-- Recent Development in the Area of Shrimp Quality Evaluation, Optimization and a Case Study of Tracebility System.
-- Immune and Antiaging Properties of Bioactives Extracted from Seaweed.
-- Chemistry, Technology and Applications of Food Hydrocolloids from Seaweeds.
-- Arsenic in Seaweeds: Presence, Bioavailability and Specification.
-- Sea Cucumber Aquaculture.
-- Application of Microbial Fermentation in Seaweed Processing.
-- Handling and Processing Technology of Indonesia Seaweeds.
-- Application of Seafood by Products in the Food Industry. Biological
-- Properties of Seafood Processing Byproducts.
-- Freeze-Dried Seafood Products.
-- Selenium-Health Benefit Values as Seafood Safety Criteria.
-- Role of Bacteria in Seafood Products.
-- Fish and Shellfish Diseases.


Food Composition
Fishery Processing

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