Teixeira, José A.

Engineering aspects of food biotechnology. - Boca Raton Taylor & Francis 2014 - xxi, 463 páginas; Ilustraciones; 25 cm; - Contemporary food engineering series .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Section I. Use of Biotechnology in the Development of Food Processes and Products.
Biotechnology-Derived Enzymes for Food Applications, Philippe Ramos, António A. Vicente, and José A. Teixeira
Development of Probiotics and Prebiotics, Ernesto Hernandez and Severino S. Pandiella
Production and Food Applications of Microbial Biopolymers, Filomena Freitas, Vitor D. Alves, Isabel Coelhoso, and Maria A.M. Reis
Advanced Fermentation Processes, Leona Paulová, Petra Patáková, and Tomáš Brányik
Meet the Stem Cells: Production of Cultured Meat from a Stem Cell Biology Perspective, Bas Brinkhof, Bernard A.J. Roelen, and Henk P. Haagsman

Section II. Advanced Unit Operations in Food Biotechnology Membrane Filtration, Štefan Schlosser
Chromatography, Katarzyna Wrzosek, Łukasz Wiśniewski, Michal Gramblička, Monika Antošová, and Milan Polakovič
Crystallization, António Ferreira and Fernando Alberto Rocha
Supercritical Extraction, M. Gabriela Bernardo-Gil
Innovative Unit Operations, Jane Selia dos Reis Coimbra, João Paulo Martins, and Luiza Helena Meller da Silva
Process Analytical Technology, José A. Teixeira, António A. Vicente, Fernando Filipe Macieira da Silva, João Sérgio Azevedo Lima da Silva, and Rui Miguel da Costa Martins

Section III. Adding Value to Food Processing By-Products—The Role of Biotechnology
Dairy, Carla Oliveira, Lucília Domingues, Lígia Rodrigues, and José A. Teixeira
Recovery and Biotechnological Production of High-Value-Added Products from Fruit and Vegetable Residues, Elisa Alonso González, Ana Torrado Agrasar, María Luisa Rúa Rodríguez, Lorenzo Pastrana Castro, and Nelson Pérez Guerra
Valorization and Integral Use of Seafood By-Products, M.E. López-Caballero, B. Giménez, M.C. Gómez-Guillén, and P. Montero
Coffee, Solange I. Mussatto and José A. Teixeira
Beer, Solange I. Mussatto, Nuno G.T. Meneses, and José A. Teixeira

Food biotechnology’s typical developments and applications have occurred in the fields of genetics and in enzyme- and cell-based biological processes, with the goal of producing and improving food ingredients and foods themselves. While these developments and applications are usually well reported in terms of the underlying science, there is a clear lack of information on the engineering aspects of such biotechnology-based food processes. Filling this gap, Engineering Aspects of Food Biotechnology provides a comprehensive review of those aspects, from the development of food processes and products to the most important unit operations implied in food biotechnological processes, also including food quality control and waste management.

The book focuses on the use of biotechnology for the production of ingredients to be used in the food industry. It addresses two relevant issues—consumer’s awareness of the relation between nutrition and good health and the importance of environmental sustainability in the food chain (i.e. production of polymers and in vitro meat). A chapter on the application of process analytical technology highlights the importance of this tool for satisfying the increasingly sophisticated and strict polices for quality control and monitoring of specific process phases. The book includes a detailed presentation of relevant unit operations developed to extract/purify the ingredients of biotechnological origin intended for food applications.

In addition to examining the contributions of biotechnology to producing and improving food ingredients, the book provides a concise description of the role biotechnology plays in adding value to food processing by-products, including post-harvest losses, in relevant industries of the food sector. It builds a foundation for further research and development in the food processing industry.



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