Línea por línea: inglés a través de historias de gramática, libro 1A.

Molinsky Bill Bliss. Steven J.

Línea por línea: inglés a través de historias de gramática, libro 1A. - New Jersey - Estados Unidos Prentice Jall Rengents, Inc., Englewood Cliffs 1983 - xvi, 102 páginas; Figuras;

1. To be; Introducción.
2. To be + Location Subhect Pronous.
3. Present Continuous Tense.
4. Possesive Asjectives.
5. Adjetives.
6. To be; Review.
7. Prepositions There Is/There Are.
8. Singular/Plural.
9. Simple Present Tense.
10. Simple Present Tense: Negatives.
11. Object Pronous Simple Present Tense Asverbs of frequency.
12. Contrast: Simple Present and Present Continous tenses.
13. Can Have to.
14. Future: Going to Time Expressions.
15. Past tense: Regular Verbs Introduction to irregular Verbs.
16. Past Tense: Yes/No Questionsm WH Questions More Irregular Verbs.
17. To be; Past Tense.


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